


I’d like to thank the following people and institutions that were instrumental in creating this work:

Robyn Farrell, Assistant Curator of Contemporary Art at The Art Institute of Chicago for exposing me to Steve McQueen’s work through her own curatorial work. 

Paris Chong at the Leica Gallery who on first sight understood this work and grasped its significance and potential. Her enthusiasm and support for the work have been a consistent encouragement.

Alex Wellerstein, professor and nuclear weapons historian, who has assembled a great collection of primary sources on his blog Nuclear Secrecy.

The National Security Archive at George Washington University for their excellent collection and curation of declassified FOIA documents.

The CIA, NSA, DOE, and many other “three-letter agencies” for their commitment to transparency and openness in posting many of these documents on their websites. As well as to the countless individuals who had the thankless task of searching for and redacting millions of pages at the whims of private citizens. 

Muckrock, John Greenwald Jr (who operates Black Vault), and the thousands of citizens of have made FOIA requests and shared them online, sometimes at great personal expense  

The 89th United States Congress and President Johnson for enacting the Freedom of Information Act, which I believe is one of the most amazing laws ever passed.